My Pages

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Love is All Around and The Riddle

Hi friends! Just want to share a simple art journal pages I did while being away from home. I brought along with me only a box of water-colour pencils, water brush, black sharpie, medium tip black ink pen and of course; the journal.

So, as usual, in between catching up stories with the in-laws, my hands just couldn't wait to hold a pen or pencil. The first page here is about a song by Wet3; Love is All Around. I drew the love heart shapes with sharpie and later write on the lyrics across. Once done, I used the water-colour pencils and start to colour those hearts in random. And, lastly, just used my water brush and applied on them and smudge Somehow, the black ink runs where I applied water... (not the sharpie). Forgot that it's not water proof!

On the next page, I decided to do a scenery. Haha. If you have read my previous entry on scenery, you would know now how scared I am of doing one! I can't draw! Anyway, I'm giving myself another try. So what if it didn't turn out well. I'm still going to blog about it! So, there it is! A page entitled ' The Riddle'. Inspired by an old song by Nik Kershaw. " near a tree by a river... La la... "

I used my water- colour pencils to
Sketch the tree, the greens, the water, the sky and the sun. Once done, applied the water brush on them. I love how it turned out, actually. It looks better in reality than in here taken thru my camera phone! And of course lastly, I just scribbled the lyrics across...

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!

Introductory page in a new fabric bound journal

Hello friends! Good morning! We are in Ipoh and Yes, it's morning now. Faiz has just woken up, refused to take his bath and is now watching Tom & Jerry instead. I might have watched this for the hundreth times! I just have to endure...

Well, I also would like to share here of what I called 'an introductory page' in my new fabric bound art journal, which was made by Shahrul Niza from Such Pretty Canvas. The book was nicely and securely bind and the papers .. oh wowww... I think they can definitely that extra heavyweights of paints and what nots! { how many grams is this by the way? }

I did this last night using my black sharpie and another black liquid medium tip ball pen. I was watching cartoon network and that was exactly how I was inspired to write the word Soulful Art.

The rest are scribbles of how I describe myself far...hehee..

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Black or what?

Hello there! At the time of writing this, I am moving at about 120km/hr; heading north towards Ipoh for the weekend. Faiz is sleeping soundly after a hefty McDonald's breakfast. He said he will fast later..hehe..1/2 day. Training.

So, another art journal page from me after watching a bit of Michael Jackson's This Is It on TV couple of days ago. It has been on the tele for a couple of days lately in remembrance of his death about 3 years ago. Wow! How fast time flies...

I painted this page with black gesso. I only wanted to use black and white. But soon, I added a slight copper'ish colour to it; on the brick stencil. { I dunno why }. I have used a white pigment ink from Staz On and applied on Balzer's Stencil by TCW. Then I used my correction pen ( thanks to Shahrul Niza from Such Pretty Canvas for introducing this!! Hehe..) and wrote 'it doesn't matter' and 'Black or White'. Actually, come to think of it, the word 'it doesn't matter' also appeared in the lyrics 'Beat It'. I just realized. Hehe..the rest of the design here was done using a white ink pen by Signo.

That's all folks. Thanks for stopping by! Almost reaching Ipoh now.

P/s: running out of safety pins to tag the title. Hehe..



Friday, July 27, 2012

Nothing specific

Hi there! I had to post this quick since I don't want my previous post to be up here for too long. Hehehe

So anyway, here's another one from me entitled 'Nothing Specific'. When I was doing this, I really had nothing specific on how I want this art journal to be. I just took out my black sharpie, start drawing the flowers, etc; until finally I decided to write on it.

How I wish to be diving again. I missed diving so badly.

Here are the simple techniques used in this art journal piece:

1) black sharpie to design anything straight from the heart..hehe

2) doodle words ..etc..

3) I used my water-colour pencils for the flowers and heart shaped leaves. Then water brush it

4) took out my stencils from TCW, Prima and applied with Ranger's Distress inks all over.

And that's basically it. Simple, yes?

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!



Hi friends. I haven't got much time to craft lately. So today, I want to share with you a very simple art journal page entitled 'Fly'. When I did this, I just wish I could fly to a beach in Bora Bora and relax. *Yawn*

{The butterflies are cut outs from left over scraps}

Firstly, I have used water-colour pencils for the background. I have used blue and green to depict the sky and green land; and a tinge of orange for the sun overshadowed by the cloud. Then, i sprayed water and smudge the colours. I used black acrylic ink for the words 'I want to Fly'. Dripped the inks here and there; and totally suck at it. Hehehe....

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Image transfer

Hi there! I did an image transfer on canvas recently and here are the results. They turned out quite different from one to another. This is my first try.

I have used the Glue and Sealer by Ranger for the transfer medium. The method was the same for both. However, the photo of the girl ( that was me back then in kindie ), was printed on quite a thick 4R glossy paper. It was harder for me to rid-off the pulp out as compared with the one on the left.

It was easier for me to work on the left photo though maybe because of too aggressive, I have scarred the photo a bit. I'm not sure if I work on the girl photo a bit longer, I mean scrub off the pulp, would yield a similar effect as the one on the left.

Love doing this although it takes quite a long time to complete. If you have any shorter way to do an image transfer, do share your work with me ;))

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!


Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hi friends! How are you. Question. Have you ever lived a day without asking a single question? Makes you wonder hmm? ( another question ).

This journal page is all about Questions. Why? When? What? Where? Who? How? When we do not know, we ask questions. What if I do this? Or do that?

Life is full of secrets. So, No such thing as a dumb question. You'll be dumber if you don't ask. I think that's why kids can learn so fast and so clever cos they are so full of curiosities and always asking questions. We shouldn't let that die in us as we grow up. Yes?

Here are the techniques used:

1) I have doodled on the black page with a black sharpie. Coloured it with water soluble crayons and smudge it

2) applied white gesso lightly to tone down; then applied acrylic paint - { I could just apply the acrylic paint directly without the gesso, but will give a slightly different effect, I suppose}

3) applied distress ink by ranger over circles stencil by Crafter's Workshop

4) I have used the black acrylic ink and wrote the why, when, how, where, what, whom..then let the ink flow downwards.

5) created red journalling lines with a red sharpie

6) using a black pen, I started journalling on the red lines and added few designs.

That's all folks. Simple, yes?

Thanks for stopping by! Have a nice day ahead! Ciao!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nature's Quest - art journal page

Hola friends! How are you today? It has been raining heavy lately hasn't it? It was raining cats and dogs 2 days ago when i was just about to leave the office and the traffics was....fhew! I was caught in the basement carpark up until the traffic boom out of the office area for nearly an hour! Can you imagine that?! And all because of the rain? But wait.! Rain is good though cos' it washes and clears the air. Do you feel the freshness always after the rain? Smells good too.

They say that for the first few minutes, the rain is acidic. That's what they call it. Acid Rain. I think if you test with a litmus paper, it'll show you a reading below 7. I haven't tried that though. Where can I get a litmus paper anyway? So, the thing is, what's causing this acid rain if not from us? We burn fuels. We produce chemicals and toxic gases and release it to the atmosphere; intentionally or unintentionally perhaps.

So, here is an art journal entitled Nature's Quest from me. I'm linking this to the Art Journal Cafe on The Challenge with tissue paper.

{ the bird above is singing song for the FUTURE}

Techniques and supplies:

1) I have applied white gesso first onto the page. Dry.

2) then, I have decoupage a flower decorated tissue leaving bits and pieces spilled over the page.

3) I have always adore paintings by Monet ( though I don't much about it! ). I knew this because I bought one ( no, not the original!! ) and adorn it on my wall in college. I like the dabbing effect technique. So, with the design on the tissue as a guide I applied paints ( Martha Stewart ) onto it; with dabbing and rapid brush strokes. I can't draw nor paint but this was fun and cheating..hehehe.

4) Once the above dried, I decoupage 3 dried leaves ( left over from my wedding day!! ). I love this cos' I'm coming closer to what I want to convey in this journal page ;)

5) not to forget that I added on pieces of patterned paper from 7 Gypsies.
6) then, I write words on scraps ; cut it out and applied distress ink by Ranger on the edges.
{The messages in this journal page}

Protect and guard the environment we are living in

Heal whatever damages done

Use renewable energy

Promote a sustainable living; eg grow your own vegetables ( less chemicals!) - ( I need to try this too! We grow small chillies, and few others only - mainly sustained by my parents..ehehe)

Future. Then only the future is worth living for especially for the younger generation.

I didn't clean up the spill over tissue as you can see below. Finally I think they look cool. Hehe..

So there you are. It feels good to do an art journal where you can express and share your concern with others. Hope I have inspired you to do an art journal on nature next. ;))

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!


A Little Birdie Told Me.. - a scrapbook layout for Papier

Hi there friends! Happy Wednesday! Hope you are in the best of health! To all the Muslim friends, Ramadhan Al-Mubarak! Hope you will stay healthy and fit throughout the fasting month.

Today, it's my turn to post at Papier this week and I'm sharing a 12x12 layout that I did a couple of nights ago. It has been quite a while since I did my last layout. I just kind of lost the mojo lately. I'm more into art journals now. They are so much fun!

Anyways, for this layout I have used 2 patterned papers from Webster's Pages - one of which I have used as a whole and the other, which I have used only the top part ( the little birdie told me), which I have added a cardboard to add dimension.

Most of the items I have used here are from my DT kit except for the dimensional paint, the distress inks, alcohol inks and the Calligraphy pen that I have used for the journalling. And, most of the items I have used here are available at Papier!

The techniques used here are pretty straightforward. I have distressed the edge of the papers and ink them before I collage them with the photo. I needed a deeper colours for the Dazzle Me Gems, which was originally screaming bright, so I have added on a bit of alcohol inks onto it. The colours are more subdued..hehe..

I have also used Hambly Screen Prints with the pennants design on it.

The flowers, well, I mix n match whatever I have from my kit and added on distress inks on a very white bloom. If you think that you have flowers ( especially white ) and doesn't blend well, why not try apply distress ink onto it until you get the desired colour. It works big time!

I have used my calligraphy pen for the journalling. I just love them. Since I don't really have a busy layout, I like to apply journalling to give my layout that extra mile. Try it sometime. ;)

Well I guess that's pretty much about it ;).

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Circles - an art journal page


It's all about the Circles. Yup, that's the title of this journal page and it goes for a challenge at The SketchBook Challenge. This will be uploaded into its Flickr Group - The Sketchbook Challenge.

Hi folks! In life, have you been going round and round in circles? I'm not sure if I can't think of any cos my life seems pretty going forward all the time. Hehe...perhaps, more of something that I did in the computer that takes me back to the starting point. Ahh..long story..hehe.

What I have used:

1) paint the whole page with yellow paint from Martha Stewart - its called Couscous

2) use my stash of scraps and free- hand cut out the circles.

3) decoupage all onto the page.

4) use wax crayons and make circles for the stem. Also, the flower pot. I have used colourful circle sequins on the flower pot. { the stems now looks like a wiggly caterpillar...eewww..}

5) a bit of hexagon there..whoops..on the journalling lines.

6) doodle around the leaves with a song ' Circles in the Sand ' by Belinda Carlisle-an old song..

7) add on Prima's crystal in black on the petals and decoupage a string around it.

And that's about it. Thanks for stopping by. Have fun creating with your favourite shape! Ciao!


Sunday, July 15, 2012

She's Got Game - an art journal page for Art Journal Cafe

but the Linky connection is closed....awwhh...:(

Anyway folks, I still would like to share this page with you. First, let me do the credits first. I have used a picture illustration by David Downtown, which were featured in The Hub magazine. I love the simple sketch. I have also used a picture illustration of Givenchy Couture ( Kelly Smith ) - the full figure mysterious girl.

The story of this page is centered around the full figure mysterious looking girl. I needed a story for this page hence I instantly thought of Akasha. Who's Akasha? Well, she's the queen of vampires in Anne Rice's famous vampire chronicles starting with Interview with the Vampire, Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, and so on. These were my first sets of vampire book collection since 1993 or maybe 1994. Love 'em! Akasha was not the main character in the book but she was very powerful alongside her partner/husband, Enkil. They were a stone-like figure sitting on a dais and only communicating through their minds. Drinking their blood lets you possess power beyond imagination. Well anyway, you gotta read these books! Don't let me kill the suspense..hehe

Below is how I imagined Akasha would be; standing mysteriously looking past through walls; oblivious of her surrounding but very much aware at the same time. I added on the red cloak. Coloured her hair black with a bit of gold highlight. She's definitely not an ordinary girl.

What I have used:

Well fairly simple..

1) wanted to use my purple acrylic paint, so there it is...

2 decoupage the cut-outs from the magazine

3) find words from the magazines that suits your theme

4) stamping - the music notes and word ' passion' ( Prima ); and steampunk wings and butterfly ( Graphic 45 )

5) from my scraps, I added on the measuring tape on the neck and also Dazzle me gems from Webster's Pages.

6) doodle here and there..I used the titles from Anne Rice's books..Lestat, Pandora, Queen of the Damned etc.

7) ink with Tsuknieko Versa Magic along the edges.

8) yup, that was basically it. Simple.

Why don't you let yourself inspired by your favourite books next? Its really fun! ;))

Thanks for stopping by! Have fun! Ciao!

Goku- altered

Here's Goku. Faiz's current favourite cartoon figure. When we bought this, Goku was not wearing any shirt at all. When we brought him home, Faiz took a red marker and started to apply it on Goku's body. He said, " I'm just giving him a shirt to wear"

Hmm.. I was thinking... "oh ok.. So he's into altered art now?" hehe...


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Alien Junkie - an art journal page

Hi there! in my last post i did a journal page entitled iDoodle - and I drew a lady. When my son came inside the craft room, he then asked me who this lady is. I told him, that lady is me. He gave me a sour face and left the room {merajuk} cos I didn't draw his face. I told him that I will do a sketch on him the next day. Promise. He just silently nodded and walked out of the room; looking sad.

So, today, I was thinking to do for him a journal page on alien junkie. Maybe he's too young to understand stories of ancient astronauts and all, nevertheless, I'm giving him a head start. Lol!

The idea for the journal is to draw a face without the eyes and starting from the nose downwards. I wanted my son to hold the journal over his face and just to expose his eyes. As expected, he just couldn't sit still and was fast restless as I was just getting the camera focused on him. The photos below are the best I could take. Hehe..

Notice anything different on the photo below? Hehe..A special giveaway for you if you are the first to spot it and comment about it here... ;)))

Techniques and supplies:

1) I drew the face first. Use pencil.

2) I have painted the page ( leaving the face and body ) with Martha Stewart paint in blue {Pond- that's what it is called}. Wait to dry or heat gun it.

3) Cut out the shape of the shirt using your scraps. { this is how you can reduce}

4) add pattern on the shirt for fun. I have also added the word ' alien junkie' on the shirt front.

5) black gesso was used to create lines for journalling later

6) use a white ink pen and start journalling on the blak gesso'ed lines.

7) added black dots below the journalling lines. I don't know morse just randomly created the dots.

8) red sharpie for the lips.

9) black sharpie for the hair

10) buttons to add interest to the shirt

11) journalling along the body and hair

12) the word happy, daydream and away are woood chippies from Studio Calico.

13) cogs as eyes are Tim Holtz's

Yup, that's about it..

Thanks for stopping by. Ciao!


Friday, July 13, 2012

iDoodle - an art journal page



Hola friends! Hope you are in the best of health. It's Friday and weekend is just ahead of us! Yayy...!

Today, I would like to share with you a comical page from my art journal, which is entitled iDoodle. Yes, I doodle quite a lot especially when I'm bored. At work, when I'm in meetings (shhh..), taking notes and all, I will always have some doodling around my notes just to give that extra flavour to my work. Lol!

By the way, maybe the lady on this page looks like me when I'm bored; especially the eyes!

What I have used:

1) water soluble wax crayons. I have applied this onto the whole page. Then, I used the wet wipes and smudge over the colours. I didn't blend them though.

2) I doodled " what do you do when you are bored? I doodle. " on the lines. On the left side, I just wrote something on doodling using a calligraphy pen. Because of the waxy surface, it's quite hard to write using sharpie and the calligraphy pen. Any idea?

3) I have used dimensional paint on the lady's necklace and shirts. Add on a bright pink Kaisercraft's rhinestone on the necklace.

4) I actually decoupage the shirt she's wearing. Can't really tell...

5) I gave her hair a highlights using Viva Decor Gold. Applied with ann angle sponge.

6) the doodling lines were enhanced using Indian ink, which I didn't do a good job at it...hehe..

7) lastly, I just smudge over a bit of acrylic paint in pastel green on the edge of the page.

Thanks for stopping by and looking at this comical page.

Hope this will inspire you to start a comical page of your own ;) Ciao!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mon Cherie Amour - an art journal page

Hi there! Its late at night at the time I'm writing this and we are stuck in a traffic jam right now. No. I'm not driving. My son is sleeping at the back. It's already 11pm and we are on our way up north to Mr H's hometown. The accident that's causing the heavy traffic is currently 6km away ahead of us. I tweeted and only found out that the PLUS ( highway operator? ) people are now clearing up the accidents. But still, we have a lonnngg way to go! So, I have decided to write in my blog while having a conversation with Mr H at the same time; just to keep him accompanied.

This is another journal page from me. It's brown. Hehe. And, I played with the mica flakes that I've bought for ages. The title for this page is Mon ( My ) Cherie Amour.

Techniques here are fairly simple.

1) prime the page with gesso. Then paint it brown with Martha Stewart paint. Let it dry

2) I have cut out the picture of a lady from Graphic 45 Ladies Diary (love 'em to bits!); distress the edges and glue on the page

2) next, I have mixed green acrylic paint with enamel powder and applied on a circle dot stencil by The Crafters's Workshop. Applied heat onto it. Just experimenting with mixture of mediums.

3) then the mica flakes. I have used a crackle paint to fix the mica flakes onto the page.

4) then, I sort of wanted to use the gold wire on this page as well. While I was unwinding the gold wire, it accidentally went loose and when I gathered them together; it became like a swirling 'petals' with a stem! Aaahh....that's nice, I thought. Hehe..and secured it onto the page using the glossy accents. You can see very clearly how I have applied the glossy accent onto the gold wire below..hehe...the stem is tied with WP's vintage trim (I think that's what it is called)

5) I have also used a left-over Dusty Attic chippie - a flourish border on the top right corner of the page.

6) I've written a few lines from the song My Cherie Amour (by Stevie Wonder) onto this page. It goes something like this ' My Cherie Amour, Lovely as a summer day..My Cherie Amour, Distant as the Milky Way'....I guess that's why I like the song so much...( it has the Milky Way in it...hehe). { yes, a song can also be an inspiration for your art journal page! }

7) lastly, the page label, secured with a safety pin on the ring binder.

Your turn is next. Find your favourite song and use it to create an art journal page next! Good luck!

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!


Sky News

Hi! I'm bored. We are travelling up north and I'm in the car right now enjoying the scenaries around me. I do wonder what's up there though. Last night, Vega and Deneb (amongst the many); they were on our sky. I couldnt point out cos we were moving fast on the highway.

Here's a snapshot of those above us now. Isn't it beautiful?!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Smell the Roses - an art journal page

Hola! Hope you are well. Weekend is just around the corner, yeayy! I'll be traveling up north this week. Gonna bring my camera with me and hopefully I'm able to take interesting pictures while I'm there.

Today, I would like to share with you an art journal page entitled ' Smell the Roses'. This page will remind me to stop and just smell the roses. Breathe in the air deeply, pause a lil' longer and notice the tiny little things around me.

I have used a number of techniques here. As usual I prep my page with gesso. Normally, I don't plan my page in detail. Sometime or most of the time, I would just sit on my chair, look around me especially my paints and start thinking on which colours I would like to use for the page. Then, the inspirations will start to build up slowly. From nothing, I'm building up colours, layers and will begin to see how I would like the page to end up finally. Next time, I'll try to put forward an inspiration first before I start one; like a lot of others I see are doing. In the end, it's all really up to you and which way you are more comfortable with.

Techniques and supplies:

1) firstly, gesso the page. Then I painted the page in pastel green using Martha Stewart paint. Wait till dry.

2) then add on patterned and corrugated papers and the tulle. I have also used Prima's canvas resist - the birds.

3) next, Webster's pages story teller alpha stickers. -play, rest, eat and smell the roses. Those are the words I used for this page. The word roses was laid on top of WP's fabric ribbons.

4) then, the twill. 3 lengths of twill arranged on the page. I wrote " stop and do smell the roses " on them too..

5) next, I have mixed Martha Stewart paint in blue pastel with Jo Sonjas texture paste and applied it onto a brick stencil on 2 corners. Wait till dry

6) next, I have used Versamagic Turquoise Gem dewdrop (teardrop?) chalk ink like the one below and applied it flat onto the page to create a pattern.

7) when dried, i applied Martha Stewart white texture paste, which is very coarse on the in-between of the dew drops. ( and quite everywhere else....hehe)

8) and won't be complete without me writing something on my page...I have written few similar words around the dew drops..

9) the butterfly with matching tone

10) and finally, the page tag/ label with safety pin secured to the ring binder

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend folks! TTFN!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Personal therapy - art journal page


Hola! How are you today? Hope you are in the best of health, always. As for me, well, getting busier this month with work in the office. I wish that I could be busier in my crafting than the usual mundane office chores. No. Actually not. My office chores are never mundane. It's just that they are always full of STRESS. Remember there was once a song by Aretha Franklin where she spelled that word RESPECT?. Yeah? If anyone ever calls me to be a recording artist, I would definitely have one of my song as STRESS! Okay, I'm rambling...

Another art journal page again. I met a very talented artsy lady recently and she talked about how easy and fun it is to do an art journal. She is full of inspirations and ideas! See her blog here Such Pretty Canvas. Must be her vibes in art journalling through her blog that I'm finally putting a trust in my own art journalling. I have done art journals before but since it was intimidating to me once, I never wanted to share it with anyone else. I don't even know where I have kept them now.

So here's a page I did a couple of hours ago after having a tough day at work. A suitable title I have chosen for this page ' Personal Theraphy' - and minus the h ( before the y in Theraphy ). Hehe... I still think the word therapy is sexier with a H before the Y. ( gulp! Fine! Oh my English!)

It's a colorful page indeed. Not sure whether that was how I intended it to be or could be I got a little bit carried away with the crayons...hehe..

And next time, I'm gonna be more adventurous with the wax crayons. ( an idea stirred up suddenly...hehe..we'll see )

Ok. Techniques here are:

1) I have used an orange sharpie to scribble some sentences on why I love art and what it means to me

2) I have used a wax crayons in several colours all over the page, and thick.

3) I used heat gun to melt the wax. It doesn't do much here except that it gives the page a slight sheen, smooth surface..somehow hehe..

4) then, decoupage using the patterned tissue paper given by Shahrul, the artsy lady from Such Pretty Canvas. Also, i have an unused Webster's dictionary, which is already in a deteriorating state, so I have used some torn pages here and decoupage. I have used Rangers Glue and Sealer here..

5) stamping by Technique Tuesday - the film borders; bordering the torn dictionary sheets

6) black lace - to make the page hot hot hotter... Hehe..

6) and lastly, a label to the page, which is secured with a safety pin to the ring bind.

So there you are. Hope you have enjoyed looking at it as much I have enjoyed myself doing it.

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Unmeasured Love - an art journal page


Unmeasured Love. Hi there! I think every single person in this whole wide world has experience at least some kind of love. Love to God. Love to family. Love to animals. Love to nature. Love to shop. Love to read. Love to paint. Plus many more.

A simple art journal page from me this time on Unmeasured Love. And I think love should be simple too. Don't you think?

I have used grunge board by Tim Holtz; the heart and wings. I paint them in red acrylic paint after gesso'ing it first. Next, the measuring tape. Then I have used a stencil from Crafter's Workshop to stencil on the scripts on 'art' at the corners of the page. I sprayed on Dylusions ink in yellow and spread them across the page. They are very bright colours these Dylusions ink. Out of my comfort zone actually. Haha..

Next, I have used a turquoise acrylic paint and mixed it with the glass bead gel from Golden and applied this mixture onto a stencil by Prima right on the heart.

My art journal won't be complete without my own personal doodling so i added on the word Unmeasured Love. Lastly, I spread Inka Gold; a creamy metal gloss paint around the grungeboard, in cream and green. I have also smudged the Inka gold on the wings.

Lastly, an idea I have discovered to tag the title of the page and the date to the ring binder with a safety pin. Hehe.

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao! ( and I am so delighted that Spain has won the Euro and the golden boot as well! Worth the trouble waking up at 3 am when Monday is a working day !)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Night sky in KL today

Hi there! Wish I have a telescope now. while the boys are busy discussing on the Red Alert game strategies, I'm busy looking up on the sky searching for the stars and planets. Obviously I'm being left out from the conversation. Haha..

This is what we can see tonight and I wish I can see the rings of Saturn and Barsoom now. Sigh...