My Pages

Friday, December 28, 2012

Project Life

Yesss, I am finally embarking into the journey of Project Life ( PL ). And that's the album I'm using to store in photos, clippings, tickets, journalling cards etc etc.

It took me a while to decide on starting PL but after visiting other people's blog, websites; hence, I decided to give it a try. It's definitely less daunting than doing a 12x12 layout; 'funner'!, and simpler. I'm doing my PL on week to week basis, for now. I just need to select which photos to print and I'm already on my way. Most of the photos here so far are mostly from my Instagram collection. I've been busy in Instagram too. The only tool now for me to play around when I'm bored, outings with my family etc.

I'll be sharing more of my PL soon. I intend to add in some mixed media works here too, but we'll see. Maybe if I quit work, I can spend more time on my art journal, PL and the rest; ooohhh.... That'll be heaven! And I get to spend more time with my artsy friends....heehe.. Bliss....

Tomorrow is a big day for my son and I'll be gearing up with my camera ( or maybe just iPhone). Need to take photos for my! But tonight, I need to sew the school badge onto his white shirt, iron his pants, and put in few books inside his bag.

How time flies...and now he's starting primary school. But one thing for sure, he will always be my bucuk..bucuk baby! { he hates it when I say that! }

Ok, see ya next time! Ciao!


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A 12x12 Layout for Papier

Hello! Good day to you! Today, Sharing with you simple 12x12 layout using Webster's Pages & Graphic45 papers, washi tape, flowers from Prima, metal ( butang ketip!) and wooden buttons, journalling cards, rub-ons and bits of everything else.
I have also used Martha Stewart's white texture effect onto a brick stencil, let it dry and then applied slight some distress inks onto it. The Prima flowers were all white and I have sprayed some inks and applied distress inks by Ranger.
If you need a subtler effect for your embellishment; in my case is the flowers, try using some tulles. I think it works for me here. Lol!
It's a pretty simple layout using my DT kit for November; mostly all except for the metal buttons, flowers, leaves and tulle.

A photo or a caption can be added onto the space below; just on top of the washi tapes. A small or big photo is entirely up to you.

Until then, see ya next time! Ciao!



Monday, December 24, 2012

Funky Nerdy - an art journal


Hello! Introducing my friend, Miss Funky Nerdy. She will make frequent appearance in my art journal. Lol!

This art journal page finally turned out to be a diary. I wrote on the things I did on 15 December and something on future aspirations.

I used gesso, stamping with archival ink, distress inks, masks, washi tapes, spray inks and lastly I poured beeswax on it. Not much but quite a bit. Lol! Once when the beeswax is about to totally solidify, I sprayed more inks, let it dry and then heat up again. You can see the reaction between the two. Quite nice, I think. I love it. This beeswax is of natural base and I will be playing with clear ones next.

So, stay tune for the next post!

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

The night sky on 21-12-2012

Thanks Shahrul! (from Such Pretty Canvas) for prompting me on how beautiful the night sky was last 2 nights. We rushed out to see hundreds of glittering stars and moon so bright. Our place was a bit bright due to the street lights but still Orion, Sirius, the moon, were all very clearly visible. And I thought that was Jupiter that I saw shining so bright left of On the left of Orion. Could be Capella but it wasn't twinkling though...


Faiz was confident that was Capella but I strongly doubted it. Must be the giant Jupiter... Hehe..

Last night wasn't so bad either but less show. Bit thick on cloud cover....

Above snapshots show how the planets are all aligned including the moon and our sun. Enjoy....



Friday, December 21, 2012


{ no, it's not the end of the world yet. But I believe it will be someday..Scientifically, how long do you think the sun can power us all up? It will grow bigger ( its core energy is reducing) expand and engulf us all.... Maybe not in our lifetime..but someday}

We are a big fan of Walking Dead; my hubby, son and me. A story about how a disease has caused human to turn into zombies. Everybody is infected and even if you die, you will eventually turn into a zombie. In order for you to really die, you need to be shot on the head. Gross? Oh!

So, one night while still awake on the bed, I started to draw out a layout of our home if we were in such a situation. Most importantly, our life needs to be "self- sustaining" and secured. So there it is, up there. The layout of a " zombie-proof" home. Lol!

The area should be barricaded with thick heavy, internally steel reinforced concrete walls. We need a large area so that we can have our house, an animal farm, a vegetable garden, fuels depot, water tank, an underground bunker to store extra foods, ammo, clothing and what else; plus and area for vehicles and look-out towers! These look-out towers are marked in bright red ( cross marked ). Right behind the animal farm, we have the fuel depot. Enough to fill up the vehicles ( via manual pumping ) for a long period of time should we need to scavenge for additional foods, ammunition etc. We also put up a solar panel right on the roof top. Good enough to provide electricity for the house day and night ( unless if too much of cloud cover! ). Our toilets are linked into a small "septic chamber" , which has been reengineered to provide biogas supply for cooking purposes. We have also additional "fuel" input from the animal manure, of course.

We have an elevated water tank ( marked as H20 on the layout ) and an elevated piping system to supply water to designated areas via gravity. Waters are mainly from rainwater collection and it must be boiled first for drinking purposes. We can't afford to shower every day, in this case. Lol! So, mind the stinking smell peeps!

We created a vegetable garden to provide us with the healthy greens as well. Foods are not to be wasted and if we have to, we will dump them all in in a decomposition bin. We'll make use of it as a fertilizer later or something else useful.

While I was doing this layout, my son have asked me to add in a couple of zombies outside the wall and with one of them totally flat out on the ground. Just got shot. On the head. Lol!

So yeap, there it is. A self- sustainable zombie proof home. Lol!

It's another 2+ months for the next season of the Walking Dead. It shows the concept of humanity and sanity when people are in dire straits. And grossness too....hehe.

The layout was done using Sketch53. I was lying on the bed and struggling to keep a steady hand while doing this. Not a good!

Until then, ta!

{singing to Cranberries song - Zombies!}

Thanks for stopping by!

21-12-2012 - so far so good.....


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Make Time - an art journal


Helloooo.!! Owh... When did I last update on art journalling? Whoaaa.... Ages!! Okay. Here's one today. At last. Been real busy. Stress. Pissed off ( work wise). Tired.

Today, thought about quitting job. Move on to something else. Pause. Quit job?! Agghh..

So, an art journal titled Make Time. How I wish there is more than 24 hours in a day. But no. Not as long as Mercury days! Just a couple of hours more. Lol!

This page is so befitting of my current life. Lots of things to do but so little time....

I have stamped randomly using Archival ink onto the page before I gesso it white. Applied sprays by Dyslusions all over. Washi tapes. More stamps and goose bumps sprays.
Not to forget the acrylic Ink in dark brown... Love it!

Thanks for stopping by!

P/s: I have a zombie story for you next.. So stay tune!

See ya'!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Planetary alignment?

Gonna come back on this soon.... Interestingly wicked!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Legoland Trip


Hello! My name is Faiz. Today, I'm using my Mommy's blog to share pictures of my Legoland trip in Johor. It wasn't the school holiday yet for me when we went to Legoland but because there were few public holidays in that one week; my parents decided to take me there at that time. They had to take leave from work too.

Mommy brought her gigantic DSLR but somehow, I can only find these photos in her iPad. Wonder what she did with the rest. So, maybe, if I can find the other photos, I will share them in here soon. So, let's start...

Above is the Taj Mahal - made from probably thousands and thousands of Lego pieces. If my Mommy took 16 hours to complete Death Star, I wonder how long it would take her to complete this! Har har har...

above is the Tiannamen Square. Just look at the miniature figurines.

Wow...this is stunning! Mommy must have used some kind of filtering effect hence the vivid colours! By the way, this is our very own Masjid Jame ( yellow roof ) and othe other side on the far right is the Sultan Abdul Samad Building. Both located in Kuala Lumpur.

The Sultan Abdul Samad Building - looking very majestic still even though made of Lego.

Owhhh...and this is so cooooool , I just drooled!! Awesome construction of Lego here. Even my Mommy was amazed and instructed me to take many photos here.

So thirsty guys! Har..har..and behind me is one of my favourite Lego theme that is the Kingdoms. Mommy bought for me the Kingdoms set and this time, my Nenek put up all the pieces together. I guess Mommy was tired after assembling the Helm's Deep.

No! I wasn't going to pee on him! It's just me...can't help it when mommy took such a long time to press the button. Grrrr.....

Oh...I forgot to introduce you my new friend. I met him while strolling near the fountain nearby when we were on our way to Kingdoms. Wonder when he's going to finish the pop corns! Har.. Har...

Whoops.. Ok. Yeap....this was definitely and act of protest from me. I can't exactly remember why. Hehehe....

So okay peeps. That's all for now. I'll see you later probably with more photos of Legoland or other places.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Comot the Cat

Hi there! I was somewhere in Kelantan today ( quite near to Pahang border ); in quite a remote area where the air smells great and the greens are pleasing to the eyes. I didn't bring with me my safety boot so I told the guys to go ahead into the construction area leaving me behind with the general workers. They were eating durians. Durians that they bought from Orang Asli nearby. They invited me to the durians and without any hesitation; I indulged in the offer. Tasted great but not the best I've eaten.

Then this cat came and lazily sat on the platform I was sitting and just watched us eating. I just call him Comot. He's kinda cute and looks well-fed even though he's miles away from any food stores or restaurants. The workers must have been feeding him well, I guess. God bless them for that.

So, if you happen to see him, do say hi! Lol!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nutty You and a Christmas Card for Papier

Hi there and Happy Tuesday!

Woww....seems ages I have not been updating my blog. Sorry. Been busy with other things. We had a holiday break last week and my time was totally dedicated to my kid. We went to Legoland. was superb even for me! I love playing Legos. Hehe.... Will post some of the photos soon...

I would like to share two cards that I made using the Papier DT kit for this month of November. The papers are from Graphic45 and they are full of whimsical characters.

The first card I made carries a title Nutcracker Sweet; hence I named it 'Nutty You'...for somewhat obvious reason....hehe..


And the second card ...well I guess you can tell from the photo. I hope it's not too early to do a Christmas card. I mean, of course you can do Christmas or any other festival cards anytime you like. You just keep it aside and use it when the time comes. Lol!

Short post this time. I'm at work...hehehe.... See ya soon!



Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Malay Girl in Paris - mixed media with beeswax

Hi there! Wishing Eid-el-Adha to those celebrating tomorrow!

Today, I want to share a mixed media work entitled 'A Malay Girl in Paris'. It's a 'not-that-simple' project using canvas, acrylic paints, texture paste, distress inks and ......beeswax. Yes, beeswax! You can't see clearly from the photos because I didn't use much or lets just say...I wasn't adventurous enough to play with much beeswax on that day. Lol! Not as much as I thought I time....

So, the story is about a Malay Girl who travels to Paris seeking inspirations to create. She's very proud of her traditional costume and wears it everyday in the city. I gesso'ed the canvas first before painted it in acrylic orange. Then I stamped scripts randomly on the canvas with the archival ink. I mixed a texture paste with a green acrylic paint and applied on Balzer's design stencil. You can see that on the bottom left corner of the canvas.

Maybe next time I will do a Japanese girl in KL? A Chinese girl in Timbuktu? Hmmm.......

She has 'creations and inspirations' in her hands.

Thanks for stopping by! Gotta rush..... Do come visit again soon!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Love Birds - mixed media / decoupage on canvas

Hi there! I think I would like to call this work ' Love Birds'. The gentleman came in a bicycle and is waiting just outside the gate with a bouquet of roses to meet his lover. The lady is standing in the room getting ready, looking over and over again at herself in the mirror; patiently waiting for him. What a nice and sunny day when you can hear the birds singing and see the butterflies flying.

How's that for a love story? Lol!

The images are from Ladies Diary by Graphic45. They make sweet romantic scenes.

I gesso'ed the canvas first before I applied the acryclic paint in pastel green. Then I decoupaged decorated tissue paper onto it. I mixed the same pastel green acryclic with a sandy white texture from Martha Stewart and applied it on the patches that I didn't decoupage and also the distress stickles for that shiny glittery effect.

The wooden gate is from Kaisercraft. I just love them. You see how the gentleman is standing outside the gate with the flowers bouquet in his hand....quite a romantic scene I! handsome he is the beret!

I made the white lace ribbon look like a long drape / curtain in the lady's room. She is probably looking at herself in the mirror to see if she got everything from the hair, the dress, the makeup, the shoes perfect, top to toe. Love the long dangling pearls and the sling bag!

And also a white dove flying over with a letter; the love letter. And two white butterflies just flying around having fun in the garden.

So that's it folks! Hope you like it!

Thanks for stopping by! Do come and visit again soon!

See ya'

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's been a looooonngg time......

Indeed it has been a long time since I was here at Central Market!
This trip was purely accidental. I actually wanted to go here with a bohemian crafter friend of mine since I believe she is better at the nook and crannies of this place for I haven't been here for the longest time!! Owing to my busy schedules, I'm still unable to fix a time for the girls' day out! Sorry Shahrul! fine day ok!

Nevertheless, being here with my family is also very priceless. For one, this is the first trip here for my son. I've always wanted him to know me not just me being his mommy but also what I have always cherished and look for in life. My hubby is already astrayed into a different direction when he finally concluded that I'm a compulsive shopper! Hehehe...actually, I'm definitely not one. But sometime, my shopping can be driven by stress so I guess thats where the compulsive shopping comes in I!

Anyway, i love being here at this place. Everything seems so friendly... Relaxing...don't even mind wearing slippers here...I can see myself ( if I'm a tourist!) in a backpack, slippers and of course a camera in my hand snapping away photos of this unique place. I don't have to look good; I just need to feel good.... Bliss.....

Okay enough of my ramblings and let's get on with the photos shall! I didn't edit all the photos here. It was hard to catch Faiz sitting or standing still. An active boy he was on that day. I think he liked the environment too. Hubby was in a good mood and let me wander around the building while they went for a fish foot spa and a drink at nearby kopitiam. I dashed away quickly with my camera and started taking few photos that I'm sharing now. Ooh..and of course, I did buy few things for myself too. I bought a bangle, a bohemian style bag and a 'genie' or aladdin? pants. Love them all! I wouldn't say they are cheap though cos this place is meant for oversea tourists...

Gosh,..ramblings again.

Faiz posing in front of the shops selling unique and exotic items

Just look at the items on sale above. Yummy....So mystically gorgeous...

Lovely colourful lanterns. Yupp..I think they are lanterns alright!

A shop called Puteri Gunung Ledang. I wonder if they sell items that the princess wears....

Maybe they sell hati nyamuk too! Lol!

aaah...wonderful gift items above.

I love pearls. Do you?

note books. They are all unique!

anyone interested in a mask?

Oh yeah...I bought one of those....

walked through this lane...smells great!

And below are photos of the decorative tiles adorning the staircases.




Ok, wish I have some more photos to share but my time was up and we had to go home. Next time around, I hope to be able to spend more time here and walk the corridors inside and outside of Central Market.

Ciao and thanks for stoping by!