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My Books!

9th April 2012 - Wow..almost a month since I last update myself in here. OK, where were we? Ahh yess. Yes, yes, yesss...finally I have finished reading Clockwork Prince. But there's another sequel, sigh! Now, Clary is set to marry Jem and I was so not into reading it towards the end. How could she! (even though the harsh treatments Jace has been giving of course!); but still...ehehe.. Anyways, so now, I'm moving on to the next book and i really really do not know why i bought this book in the first place! i am hardly midway and already chucked the book out from my room. Its called Accidental Vampire! Don't buy it! Peghh...
And now, i'm reading And They Were Young by 'i forgot what's her name'. Still at Chapter 2 but, eghh... pulling myself thorugh.. i let you know later. wish me luck on this. its 6:53pm and im still at work. I wanna go home but my boss asked me to stay to discuss on technical issues. technical issues at 7pm?!! i dont think my brain works overtime for that... ehehe..

7th March 2012 - well, what can I say. It was November when I last posted on the haunted and embarrass to say that I've still not finished the book! Why? Well because I'm already starting to read Clockwork Prince lah!! Hehehe... Yup yup! Another sequel of The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare! Unfortunate thing is, I'm still halfway through ;((( . I've been so busy with my job and my craft works that i've been constantly neglecting my books!! This is just not me!
Anyway, it's 10 am now and I'm just waiting to get into a meeting, which was supposed to start at 9am! Can you believe it how these people are just wasting other people's time??? This is just how they works! Unbelievebale. Now I have to wait here at the canteen, waiting for my turn to go in.....well anyway, at least that gives me the free time here in blogland...hehehe..

18 November 2011 - It's Jessica Verday's The Haunted ! Yes! That's what I'm reading now. It's the sequel of The Hollow and well...same characters so far, except that where I am on now, Caspian is not back into her life just yet. But will soon... Abbey is back to Sleepy Hollow after a period of 'mono' away from it all and now she's back to her hometown to give a speech in memory of her friend Kristin, who has died in a mysterious way. Her body was nowhere to be found. Abbey then fell in love with a ghost named Caspian whom she later met at the cemetery. Scary!!

This is my first book on 'ghost'. I never like to read ghost stories but I guess I can somehow tolerate this one. And yes, it's in the young adult section btw...LOL!

7 September 2011 - Yeayy! I made it! Finished City of Fallen Angels just about when the holiday is coming to an end! And....yeah..there will be a sequel. And when's then next book coming out? I have no idea! Betta' check out C.Clare's website quick to find out. I've read somewhere that they are casting people for the films. Wonder when that's gonna be out..

A bit on the book, well, it's a happy ending alright but sorta new creature / hybrid has been created out of a Daylighter's blood and a demon's. Jace is back on his feet but with a lil' bit of twist when with the resurrection of Sebastian ( the new creature); Jace is somehow connected to it. So, it'll be harder to kill it. God knows what Sebastian can do and it will definitely be in the next book!

So, my next book? I think I would like to continue Alyson Noel's next....I've read the first three and I just saw in the bookshop 2 days ago that she has already completed 3 sequels!! Oh my! When was the last time I read her book??! Until then......

24 August 2011 - its like a month away from my previous post on this page and I am still struggling to finish City of FA! I can't believe it myself. This is probably the longest ever time taken for me to finish a book!! ( I mean err..apart from all the motivation / spiritual books that I have bought so far!). The book is just there next to me by the bed and I only read like few pages in a week. It's not that the story bores me, in fact, I really love this book and the characters. Maybe I'm too busy with everything else and by the time I hit the bed, straight away to zzzzz.....hehehe....anyway, I'm on the chapter where Clary has brought Jace to meet the Silent Brothers in hope to cure Jace's nightmarish episodes. And, I have made a silent promise to myself that I'll be finishing this book during the long Hari Raya break next week! Ciao!

21 July 2011 - Have you peeps read the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare? If not, then I recommend that you should. I am on the fourth book now City of Fallen Angels and taking it real slow for 2 obvious reasons; firstly, I'm savouring bits and pieces of the story...afraid that I would have to wait long for the next book ( if there's a sequel, dunno yet!) and secondly, busy with my crafts stuff and my day job!!

So peeps, for those of you who have had enough of Edward Cullen, you can now safely move on to Jace Wayland. He's not a vampire but he's a Shadow Hunter; who's keeping peace amongst the downworlders. Personally for me, I think it's a great book especially to those of you who have the same taste as me...LOL! Ciao!