My Pages

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wedding guest book

Hi there! Weddings. Goosebumps. Hehe... Done that! I remember the goosebumps I had when the wedding day is closer. Have I done this? Have I done that? Did I miss out any relatives? ( actually I left that to my!). Yes, it was total hectic and headache to get things organized, to get people organized, going through the checklist and stuffs...anyway, that was history. Don't wanna repeat that again...( but wouldn't mind being treated like a queen again with people doing my hair and make ups ) hehe

When a cousin asked me if I could do a wedding guest book; I was partly excited and worried. Excited in a way that I get to craft something for her wedding day but also worried that my choice of materials might not be of her liking. I can't really figure out her taste. After consulting with her on the choice of colours and the extent of designing the guest book to meet her requirements; things started to get simpler and more in perspective.

She is a simple person in nature. She doesn't like much pink and too many frills ( this she confessed!). She likes to document life ( I know this cos she carries around with her a Dslr; cos I do too; sometimes..hehe).

So here it is, finally , a wedding guest book that compliments it all! Ooohhh... I do hope she likes it! ( harus Huda...kalau tak pengsan I!)

The patterned papers and designer trims ( pleated white tulle ) that I have used here are all from Webster's Pages.They are just so suitable for wedding theme projects, I believe; what's more with the new In Love la la....
Flowers are from Prima.

To accentuate the wedding guest book a lil' bit further, I've tied in a pink (whoops..I guess a lil' bit of pink won't hurt la..) velvet ribbon, lace and a string of pearls on the ring binder.

Hopefully, when the time comes, this book is going to be filled with good wishes, love and advices from the all the guests. Maybe later after the wedding, she can add in little pieces of mementos and photos that will remind them in the future of that very special day.

Congratulations Huda and may you be blessed with a happy married life and many children...hehehe...( get ready for the sleepless nights gurl! Err.. I mean with the kids yaw!)

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!




  1. The book is delightful! Love the colors, and the pearls is the cherry on top!. LOVE. When I get married (God knows when ....), pleaseeee do me one? :)

  2. me likey sooo much!!!!!~ hehehehe... thnks kak ida... menepati citarasa i.. pnadai u pilih warna and the design... really2 like it... thanks sooo much!!~


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