My Pages

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Written lines ... .? - an art journal page


Hi there! Firstly, I'm totally suck at sketching. I know and I acknowledged the fact that I can't draw. But I guess that's the thing about art ya' see. No matter how terrible you think your work is, there will always be someone out there who would say it's ok. Lol! { yes? No? }

In my real work, making mistake is totally and absolutely a big No No! The key is to do it right the first time. This will eventually saves time and money and sometime maybe even life! In art, I can blend the colours however I like it and would still look acceptable least to me..hehehe.... But at work, to get from A to B, you have to use a certain formula and if you forgot to add the squared for example; you sure gonna regret that bigtime later. So, it's like making mistake is quite unforgivable.

There are 2 challenges in this page. One is the music challenge over at Art Journal Cafe and the other is one I created myself for me i.e. to sketch by pencil, no eraser AT ALL! and no colours this time. So, a bit on the work side that I have taken in here and that was 'always to do it right the first time'. No eraser and even if I think I made mistake, I'll need to try to correct it or create something else out of that mistake. And it turned out my sketch looks like a kinddie work of art..hehehe.....yeah, and I'm really good at scrutinizing my own!

The girl's hair was done by journalling on thin lines. She even has short bangs and I journalled on those too. The girl reminds me of Madonna somehow and I was listening to few songs while I was doing this and I remember one of it was Material Girl! That was what probably influenced me to draw Her looking like that. Lol!

Below is just an extension of what I can do with journalling on lines. The scene below is about 2 butterflies and and they were flying around in the rain. So, yes, those vertical journalling are actually rain coming down from the sky and the butterflies are so happy that you can see them flying around as if entranced my the sound of the rain. The sound of rain is like music to their ears. { yelarr tu.. }

I finished the page above while I was traveling up north recently to Penang. It was a very short stay..I wouldn't even call it a! But it was a good visit nevertheless since I took few photos of the old colonial buildings using my iPhone and DSLR. I'll post them later.

So thank you for visiting. Have a nice day!




  1. What an interresting page !!!! A pencil and a sheet of paper, an idea and go on.....hta's for me maybe the origine of an AJ ! Wouaw !
    Tnak you to have participated to our challenge
    Carol, one of the Frappucinos

  2. Nida, I'm proud of you for being so bold and expand your art like this! WOW. I love the simplicity of the sketch, the girl is trendy almost like Beyonce in that Austin Powers movie!The hair is the most gorgeous part of your pages :). Bravo!

  3. What a great page full of ideas and very personnal....Bravo!


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