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Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hi there! Did this zentangle as soon as I got back on my feet after 5 days of being sick. I went into a a remote plantation area in the state of Terengganu ( east coast of Malaysia) for a new work assignment. On the way in, we had to pass by 2 chicken farm with such an incredible smell!!, a dilapidated looking bridge, a gloomy weather and flying insects everywhere around us; as well as those scurrying beneath our feet! We had a short meeting which was felt like 'forever' because our table was the car's bonnet and we stood all the way! Yes! We were really in the middle of nowhere. By the time we end the meeting, it started to rain and it was raining cats and dogs with strong gushing wind! Hey! And I thought the east coast is supposed to be at the end of its monsoon season!? No?

We had to hop in into another car by the time we got to the main road cos we went in with a four wheel drive earlier. I was partly soaked by the time I got into the other car! The umbrella just won't opened cos the wind was too strong! Lol!

We went to the beach for lunch later and omg! the wind was still too strong. You don't see a single boat out in the sea. Even the big ones! Lol!

Our jet ride home was at 4:30pm and by the time I got onto the aeroplane, I started having soar throat and headache. I still took the peanuts they offered me though! Lol! It was a mega bumpy jet ride due
to the bad weather .. And omg! I could almost hear my heart thumping!

When we reached KLIA .. Oh wow.. there was an 'awesome' thick black heavy clouds hovering above the airport terminal. It looked like in those alien invasion movies where suddenly something appear out from the sky! Lol! I have attached the photo here too.

So anyway, I got real sick the next day. Here's sharing with you the zentangle I did soon after I could lift up a pen and draw. My experience in the plantation with lots of trees.

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao!

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