My Pages

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mama and Me - a scrapbook layout

Hola! At the time this layout is published, I would probably be in my bed resting after a minor operation. I hope to recover fast since I have a tender proposal due by end November and also I need to prepare for an invitation card for my son's upcoming birthday party; also in November. 

Anyway, this simple layout is about my mother and me and the photo was taken when I was probably about 1-2 years old. I need to ask Mom again on that. The journalling on this layout actually reads 'Nothing beats a mother's love for her child'. Actually reminds me on the very first episode of Harry Potter! If you read or even watch Harry Potter movies, you definitely know what I mean! Lol!

I have painted the grungeboard element with red paint and added on as part of embellishments to the layout. Not forgetting the dried leaves; left-over from my wedding hantaran many years ago. Still keeping it! Lol! 

The deep / dusty red, brown, dusty green combination is definitely in my list of favourite colours!

Materials used:
Pp: Smile Always
Pp birdcage: MME
Grungeboard by Tim Holtz: Elements and Alphabet Soup
Red paint: Folk Art
Corner chippie: Dusty Attic
Enbossing enamel: Shimmerz

TFR&L! Ciao!


  1. great page darl and hopefully you resting and get well soon!

  2. Hi Nida, what a precious page! I love all the cut-outs and colors!! Beautiful page!! I hope you are coping well and getting better by now. Take care, dear! Hope to hear from you soon! {Hugs}


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