My Pages

Monday, October 31, 2011

Remember Always - a scrapbook layout

Hola! I guess the blogsy worked out to be fine after all. However, I still think that it's a lot easier to use blogpress but the more I'm using blogsy, the more I think I'm going to enjoy it more than the blogpress. We' ll see.....

This is a new layout of me and my best friends. We have been together since A Level in the 90's. We were in different universities back in the UK and different area of engineering disciplines. This is the second time I scrap on the three of us. We always have fun pictures...

In this layout, I have selected the embellishments that best represents the three of us.
Music sheet - at least two of us loves music..
World map - we have been to many places across the world..
Bird - at least I know one of us is an animal lover..who is she ya?!!..
Measure tape sticker - ha ha... Our growing waistline? Hehehe....
Dress form stamp - well...aren't we all love to dress up?
Flowers - yess...even though they don't scrap and make cards like me, we do love the flowers around us...

I have inserted a tag with a note written on the current US; just to remind me years later how things were at the time I did this layout.

And of course, there are many more I can add to represent us three. But, I have limited space!

Materials used:
Pp: BoBunny
Chippie: Dusty Attic
Others: 7 Gypsies, Ranger, Webster's Pages, Glitz Creations

TFR&L! Ciao!

Create own background for scrapbook layout

Hi there! Just want to share a new background I did recently using Rangers paint dabber, distress inks, and stamps by Tim Holtz and Glitz.

My mojo is taking a holiday. I need to get back to office. After the surgery last week, there's another week for me to rest before I should start going back to the office. that's the thing you know; when you are in the office, you can't wait for the holiday. When you are long at home, you can't wait to start back work. Sheessh.....

Anyway, I'm also trying out this new Blogsy. I'm so fed up waiting for Apple to fix blogpress cos of the new software update. I love to blog by my iPad as compared to my laptop cos it's so convenient even though I can't do much of formatting and editing the photos as well as the text itself.

So, let's see how things will turn up with blogsy...

Have a nice day!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Testing blogsy

I'm just testing blogsy ....wonder what's taking apple so long to sort out blogpress.....!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mama and Me - a scrapbook layout

Hola! At the time this layout is published, I would probably be in my bed resting after a minor operation. I hope to recover fast since I have a tender proposal due by end November and also I need to prepare for an invitation card for my son's upcoming birthday party; also in November. 

Anyway, this simple layout is about my mother and me and the photo was taken when I was probably about 1-2 years old. I need to ask Mom again on that. The journalling on this layout actually reads 'Nothing beats a mother's love for her child'. Actually reminds me on the very first episode of Harry Potter! If you read or even watch Harry Potter movies, you definitely know what I mean! Lol!

I have painted the grungeboard element with red paint and added on as part of embellishments to the layout. Not forgetting the dried leaves; left-over from my wedding hantaran many years ago. Still keeping it! Lol! 

The deep / dusty red, brown, dusty green combination is definitely in my list of favourite colours!

Materials used:
Pp: Smile Always
Pp birdcage: MME
Grungeboard by Tim Holtz: Elements and Alphabet Soup
Red paint: Folk Art
Corner chippie: Dusty Attic
Enbossing enamel: Shimmerz

TFR&L! Ciao!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You Are Special - a scrapbook layout

 Hi there! Today, I want to share a new scrapbook layout entitled You Are Special. I was at Papier few days ago and went crazy over MME's latest collection of pps. They are so beautiful.

These are photos taken during my son's first birthday party and it was an Astronaut themed party. He turned 1 approximately 40 days after Malaysia sent our first astronaut into space. That was how he got his name from. Lol! 

Materials used:
Chipboard sticker: MME
Punch: MS
Film strip: ( i forgot the name...)
Naked pocket and tag: 7 Gyspsies
Grungeboard by Tim Holtz and embossing powder by Rangers
Measuring tape sticker: 7 Gypsies

TFR&L! Ciao!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Make Waves (Message in a Bottle) - scrapbook layout

Hola! Of late, I'm so inclined to scrap on anything to do with the sea or marines. More so WP and Pink Paislee came out with gorgeous pp, stamps and ephemera that represents the sea life; I was so enthralled. I didn't want to do much of fussy cuts for this layout. Instead, I go for the Pink Paislee ephemeras and stick onto the layout here, there and everywhere. I also have the matching stamp from Pink Paislee and decided to go for it.

I have applied blue paints here and let it flow downwards to the bottom of the layout. For the final touch, I have added a small apothecary-like bottle and inserted a piece of rolled paper inside with a message written on it. Maybe someday, he will open up and read it..LOL!

Close-up view of the message in the bottle!

Materials used:
Pp: Webster's Pages
Ephemeras: Pink Paislee
Stamp: Pink Paislee
Ink: Memories
Paint: Folk Art
Apothecary Bottle: from one fine art shop near my house ... :))

TFR&L! Ciao!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rustic Card

Hola! Since I might be away next week,you would probably be seeing me upload several of my works quite often this week. Maybe. Depends on my laziness..

So, here's a card I did last couple of weeks and the theme is rusty. I actually wanted to upload it to one of the challenge blog but again, laziness came creeping and I just didn't have the patience to wait on the uploading process.

I didn't even realise that there is something that should not been there on this card! Aahh... let's ignore it. Too lazy to take new shots. Goshh..... I'm so lazyyyy......

Materials used:
Flowers: Prima
Chippie: Dusty Attic
Stamp: Stampers Anonymous Tim Holtz & Glitz Design
Pp: BoBunny

TFR&L! Ciao!

Sea Waves at Scrap Yourself

Hola! I was very excited when I received the invitation to become a DT with Scrap Yourself couple of weeks ago. I did not give an immediate answer though because I was afraid that I won't be able to commit for the assignments on time. Not when I'm working on a new proposal, which is due by end November and also an op, which is also due next Monday. But, I feel that I need to give it a try anyway. Besides, it's not like I have to produce a layout every week but just fortnightly or so. So, what the heck, OK! I have been assigned for the first post and the theme is Celebrate the Women You Are. Scrap Yourself is a bit different from most of the challenge blogs that I have played with so far. It does not confine you to a specific colours or sketch but more on the story you are telling on the layout itself. The rest I guess is all up to you.
So, here's my first post for Scrap Yourself, which was uploaded a couple of hours ago. I can't think of anything else except for my love for the underwater haven. Of course, there are a lot of other things but at the time when I wanted to do this; I was already picturing a layout with some sea waves etc.

Check out more at Scrap Yourself now!

TFR&L! Ciao!

Shabby card series - Part 5

 Hola! I didn't have time to crop these photos so they're kinda raw. Quite busy lately but still find time to craft. It's a stress reliever, at least for me.

So, here's another of the shabby card series from me and this is gonna be Part 5. Hehe...
Yeah, dunno why but I love the shabby chics at the moment. The shabbier, the better.

Materials used:
Pp: Prima
Crochet doilie: Honey's Creation
Stamp: Stampers Anonymous - Tim Holtz
Flower: Left-over collection. Unknown source

TFR&L! Ciao!

Shabby card series - Part 4

Hi there! Here's my part 4 of the shabby card series. How many parts I have...hmm...I think another couple or two...LOL! I'm having problem uploading the full view of the card at the moment. Somehow, it keeps flipping anticlockwise! Anyway, this will do for now...


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Shabby card series - Part 3

Hola! How's your weekend so far? Up to anything intesting? I've had a busy week in the office and I think it's going to stretch out to my weekends at least until end of November. I'm working on a new proposal and requires me to do a bit of reading and researching. Ughh...

Anyways, here's me continuing the shabby card series and this is Part 3. Actually, I have completed a few of them already but just didn't have time to upload. So, on this one, I have used pp from Prima and that music sheet is BoBunny? Lace ribbon from American Crafts and the vintage trinket is from Prima or was it Webster's Pages? You can actually open it and place a small photo on both side. Here, I have actually attached it to the lace by using a designer twine from Hero Arts. The sentiment stamp is from Hero Arts.

Below is a close up and you can see how the vintage trinket is attached to the lace ribbon.

TFL&R! Ciao!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shabby chic card series - Part 2

Hola! Today I would like to share a card on the shabby chic series Part 2. Again, I think this is another simple one from me.

Notice my new Happy Birthday stamp? I just bought that anyway...It's Hero Arts. Hehehe...

Other stamp used is by Stampers anonymous Tim Holtz ( the bird and the bird cage). Hope you like it. I have also used MS punch here.
Pp is from Prima.

Stay tune for more!

TFR & L! Ciao!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, October 10, 2011

Shabby chic card series - Part 1

Hola! I had an interesting weekend full with activities not just mine but also of my son's. Our house, particularly near our dining area is becoming like a fish shop since my son has a profound interest in collecting fish lately.
We have like 6 -7 aquariums ( some not even originally an aquarium but my Mom's old clear cookie jar!) in the house now and I believe that we will have yet a new one this week...

We went to Amcorp Mall on Sunday and he finally got his Ultraman Powered that we have been looking for so long! We even went to Papier later and as usual, I've shopped for some papers and stuffs.

Ok on to this card now. This, I would say, one of my shabby chic card series that I managed to do last week. I was just too lazy to upload. Here's a simple one.

Stay tune for Part 2 of the shabby card series.... ;)))))

Materials used:
Pp: Prima
Base card: Bazzil Basics
Flower: Prima
Stamp: Hero Arts

TFR&L! Ciao!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, October 7, 2011


Hola! I've just completed a few ATCs recently and here are some of them.
Please e-mail me at if you would like to swap atc with me. I am more than happy to do it!

Hope I can meet up with my swap buddy tomorrow at Scrappingville! Hehehe....(hope mr hubby won't follow cos' then I can't spend longer time at the shop!)


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Waterfall Card

Hola! Yesss... finally, I made it! My first waterfall card ever. Hehehe... THIS was a real challenge because it was not just about A CARD but it was also about the technicalities involved! Fhew! My purpose of crafting is to "de-stress" myself from the technical world I'm involved with in my job; but a card?? How technical can it be? Well, this waterfall card requires a mechanism that would enable the pages to flip by pulling a tab. I think you can find a tutorial on this but not exactly like this. Like I've mentioned before in my sneak peek post of this waterfall card, I've kinda reengineered the card a lil' bit just to suit my requirements cos' I got a little bit carried away with the embellishments and all..LOL! I did make a video on this but its not a tutorial. Its just to show how the flipping works, that's all....

Btw, have you seen my previous post on my 9x9 inch framed layout? I can't wait to do some more!! It was so fun to do! Check it out here 9 x 9 inch Framed Layout

Above is the front cover of the card or I would rather call it in the end ' a simple mini album' (SMA). I have used pp from Prima's 6x6 and also fussy cuts a 12x12 inch layout for the gorgeous flowers. For those of you who have seen my previous projects are sure to notice how frequent I have used these pp. Hehehe....(not to waste!not to waste!).

Next,below, is the first page of the SMA and since this is a wedding anniversary themed album; I have asked the client some photos that would reveal their journey of love until today. For privacy, I have blurred the photos. I'm really happy that finally I have given justice to the papyrus that I bought at Manchester Museum while I was a student back then many many years ago. I have always been a collector of unique papers. I have kept the papyrus nicely in a protected box knowing that someday, I'm gonna make good use of it. So, this is the day... :)))) and LOL! I still have some more!

The stamp and chipboard sticker that I have used here are from Prima. I have also used Tim Holtz mask with distress ink. Lace sticker is from Cristina Re. If you can see, I have also used pp from Prima here.

On to the 2nd page and this is a boy's page. If my memory serves me well, I think the pp is from Making Memories. Gears die cuts using Tim Holtz aleration die. I have also used here the tissue tape Journeyman by Tim Holtz. Motorcyle image is a stamp from Hero Arts and coloured lightly with Copic markers.

Can you see the tab has gone a bit longer than before? Hehehe... So that's the tab that actually flips all the pages in sequence as you pull it down. It's an interesting to note that! the more pages you have; the longer your tab will be...I will show you later below....

And next here is a girl's page. I have used 2 MS punches i.e. the hydrangeas and monarch. The stamp (Princess) is from My Mind's Eye. The gold stickers are all from Momoyo. Quite a clean page. I had to limit myself from "over-embellishing" for fear that it would make the whole thing too thick for the tab to work effectively.

And here's another boy's page. Again, I have used the same type of pp except that for the embellishments, I have used 2 stamped cars from Hero Arts and the yellow one was coloured using my Copic. The brown car was coloured using my Faber-Castell's water-colours (not exactly mine..I borrowed from my son).
hey! that smiley star has moved again!! Grrr...
Yayy!! Another girl's page and a simple one too. MS punch has been used here and distressed with peeled paint and fired brick (red brick?). Caged bird die cuts using Kraft Core paper, which was first embossed and sanded. Beautiful rhinestones are from Kaisercraft. Stamped image of a free standing bird cage is from My Mind's Eye.
OK, on to the last layout. Happens to be the smallest piece of card inside (and this is a piece from Mariposa DCWV), where a photo of the whole family has been included. I have added a naked pocket with a tag inserted so that the Owner can write special message for darling hubby. Heheee....

Aahahaha.....Now you can see how far the tag has been pulled out upon reaching the last piece. Actually, come to think of it, you can even write messages onto this tab. I don't think you can add anything else or otherwise you will find it extremely difficult to push the tab inwards. hehehe... But, give it a try lah...

Aaaa... this is the back cover. Kraft-core paper was embossed and then sanded and finally I have swiped distress inks by Tim Holtz on the patterns.

Materials used:
Pp: Prima
Plain cardstock: Bazzil Basics
Chipboard: Dusty Attic
Stamps: Hero Arts and My Mind's Eye
Lace stickers: Cristina Re
Pearls: Queen and Co.
Rhinestones: Kaisercraft & Momoyo
Punch: Martha Stewart
Inks: Distress Ink by Tim Holtz and Archival Ink by Rangers
Die: Caged bird & Gears Alteration Die by Tim Holtz
Chipboard sticker: Prima
Nacked pocket and tag: 7 Gypsies

TFR&L! Ciao!

We Are Family - a framed layout

Hola! This is my new 9 x 9 inch layout, which nicely fits into a photo frame. I've been looking for this kind of frame for ages until Sabrina from Sabrina Scrapbook posted her latest creation few days ago. Thanks Sabrina! Wonder why I didn't see this before in Ikea! Reason I like this is because instead of putting it in an album (in that protective sheet), you can frame it and not worry of it collecting dust cos' it stays nicely in the frame.

I have used 2 pp's here and they are Webster's Pages and Pink Paislee. The blooms are from Prima and so is the vintage trinkets.

The photo below shows the layout, which is already fitted into the frame and I really, really love it! It took me nearly 2 hours to complete with my son making himself busy with the dino stamps. And he even stamped on the floor tiles! Ugghhh....

Stay tune for my next post. Remember my waterfall card? Heheh...I'm currently editing the photos. I've done a video (not a tutorial!) on this but, I'm having a second thought to upload. So kelakarrr.....
Anyway, next post yaaa....

Materials used:
Pp's: Webster's Pages, Pink Paislee
Flowers & Vintage Trinkets: Prima
Spellbinder die

TFR&L! Ciao!